He was told of the differences in the world. The various class and creed that the society is made. Was many a time warned by his so called kin to be careful. But his vision of humanity was different. For him all were humans, being part of a larger good. The acceptance he got made him believe in the humanity, so did he threw a wry smile at his kin , who said he would always be linked to this identity. He was no less than any one he met, one of the finest that you would get. There was no aspect of him which would show any sign of being any lower, as the society would dictate. But all through this, he still remained an enigma. Behind all the smiles and affection showered, the questions did linger in the minds of the people, as to what was his identity.
Life does have stranger ways.
The order, proves to be too strong for any individual to defy. The thoughts do remain glorious, but the practicality of it ? the world does not appreciate it. In spite of his disdain for any identity, he is still categorized as one. Not based on his virtue, not on his deeds, purely basing on his birth. People still admire and love him, but not as one of their own . He never understood this paradox.
He draws a similarity from the nature,The crow never seems to appreciate the cuckoo for its virtue, for it is not its breed. The worse part, he was never the replaced egg, or does the world treat him to be one. Pondering on this paradox of the strange world, and not ready to live with the identity the world has bestowed, there seems to be one identity he would have to take and the one he seems to always be considered,,,,,The Outsider.
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