One of the perplexing aspects which also happens to be the most visible one in this world, happens to be the dissimilarity and the paradoxes that exist.More than its existence the revelation of these is more perplexing, for they seem to be always existing and only manifest before our eyes ( rather we realize ) only on some specific instances. There are couple of things about these that bother me.
The first one their very existence. I fail to fathom why the Grand Master has designed or allowed these dissimilarity to creep into his creation. I would not want to tow onto the line of evolution which would might be provide an answer for the differences but would question the existence of the Supreme. I do have enough proofs and more than that Faith that there exists The ONE all above us. So why did HE allow this ? was it in the initial plan or crept in at a later stage. Does it have the similarity to Newton's first law of motion, wherein things are at rest or uniform motion until an external force acts upon. So did something happen as the time passed by that has created dissimilarities in the world GOD has created. In spite of the origin the fact is HE knows. So what does HE want us to do in regard to these dissimilarities. When I look into my own life i seem to be sometimes the reason, others the bearer and many other times a neutral to these.
This is where I have my other troubling thought.We seems to be in a quite peculiar state of "Knowing but not realizing". We are not ignorant of the dissimilarities, but many a time we do not realize them. Either we support because of the advantage, rant when dealt a raw hand, and in most of the cases do not care. The first two i give it the the cyclic law of balancing but the aspect of being neutral is what disturbs me. These dissimilarities might be caused because of someone at advantage or others lagging behind due to various reasons, but their survival is surely on those larger group of neutrals.
This is where I see the purpose of GOD, not to remain neutral but to try even the things.This thought to look at the world beyond neutrality would reveal these imbalances to us. To view and to action, as in the movie " Evan Almighty" , One Act of Random Kindness, all it takes is one act towards restoring the balance back. And that could be anyone. GOD is the original equal opportunity provider :-)