When was the last time,, i made a Decision,,,or acted,,just basing on Free Will,,,without being influenced by the external Factors and worrying about the consequences,,,well i came close to a few,,,,but actually did not implement them. When i wonder , "why did not I ? " the answer seemed to be "because that would have been Foolish, devastating,,wrong" etc etc etc,,,,
This brings me to think,, is acting upon Freewill,, synonymous of being foolish and irresponsible,,,is Freewill the Synonym of being immaturely careless,,,this thought does not suit with me well,,, and i still ponder over this,,,something else prompts me, Free Will to be a higher state of thought, where in you have crossed the boundaries of the mortal world,,and are in a state to think beyond this,,,,Well Not sure, which of these two thoughts is an actual reflection of Free will
But something i was able to make out,, , is that it is not about just making a Decision, it is about making a decision such that you would not regret it,, well i still have conflicting thought even for this,, i better stop this,,, it leaves me a bit restless,, but the thoughts seems to be just coming,,,,