There would be Surely few folks who dont find this topic Cool enough to read,
and thats what exactly i would emphasize on,
Why is not this thing a cool topic or rather a Hot one to discuss like Cricket or Movies, which infact doesnot have any direct Impact on our lives,
The Educated Youth and the so called Hi fi lot in the society feel it as something not worthy or something below their Dignity to talk about the ploitics, and feel it to be col saying" Im not Intrested in the Politics, and would not like to waste the time on Discussing these things".
Well truly speaking , is not it that the Enlighetened Folks doesnot care for this, The Politicians and the Politics have turned like this?
Surely there would not be any one to question them , with the people capable of Questioning them, being not Intrested,
The Argument I kept forward , may sound worth a bauble and truly speaking not worth noticing for may folks,
But It is an Anguish, Always burning inside me, when the youth always sideline the Issue of Politics,
I Feel it is the responsibility of every youth to raise a voice, either it could be a protest or an approval of the Policies, But there ought to be a true Discussion of these among them,
Folks, The Future is ours, and it depends on us how we determine our future,
Let not the future generations feel that this generation wasnot awaken enough, because of which, the things have gone out of our hand,
What i Finally say is the need of an Intelligent Debate amongst the youth , on the Political Issues.
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