Nationalism has a tricky paradox to it. On one side it seems to offer a unified definition and identity while on the other, narrowing the scope of a much wider national character. Unless tread carefully it is quite prone for nationalistic spirit to take a narrower view. A recent trend albeit not a new one but something which found a renewed brazenness is to redefine nationalism, more specific a redefinition of " what is Indian ?" Alas it seems to be the narrower one. Diversity is one of the most ominous attribute anyone would associate with India, so it does sound a bit appalling when a narrowed version of it surfaces.
History, especially modern history is replete with nations forming on ethnic lines . India in its attempt to free itself from the colonial rule also managed to gain an unified national identity , and due credit ought to go to those great leaders who so craftily managed to inculcate a nationalistic spirit but also ensured it was not a narrower one but envisioned a diverse nation true to what India has been all through its long history. It is so truly said the people of India are so much a mixed stock that it is very tough to trace back a single ethnic origin. Surprisingly enough India also happens to be the only culture where any common Indian of present age can so effortlessly connect and has an understanding of the Ancient India of yore. (Basham says, the same cannot be be said of other ancient civilizations eg. Egypt )
So, now the question arises as to what is it that enables the idea of India to be diverse and yet manages to find a singular connect to the past ? As Nehru, states in "Discovery of India", notices, India has been a culture of assimilation. Wave after wave of people have entered India, few finding a new home, few other purely to conquer but the bounty of character that this nation has that it was able to assimilate them. With this assimilating history spread across thousands of years that it does sound queer to zone out something of the present nation only to be Indian and something else as alien. It becomes a real tough task to pinpoint a time in History at which one identifies as to be a true representation of a period which defines as being Indian and anything after that to be alien. Even if we rule out Islam & Christianity ( Based on the attempted new definition ) as not being Indian, one is still left with quite a labyrinth to maneuver his way. If we talk about something originated on this side of Indus to be the standard, what do we say of the Aryans ? In spite of Sangh & Co fringe elements insistence of Aryans having Indian origin, enough evidences are found wherein the homeland of Aryans is said to be Central Eurasia. Why does not Buddhism & Jainism, two clear product of Indian thought does not seem to be part of the so called pseudo nationalist's renewed zeal. If the Geographical extent is based, Buddhist thought, for example seems to be more Indian than Aryan culture. Was Hinduism , that we talk of now, practiced by the people of Indus Valley Civilization ? in all probability it was not , since it was much prior to Vedic culture. So those who want us Indians to go back to origins , shouldn't they be looking at that period and might be the still unknown and not excavated ancient antiquity of people of this land.
Wonder those who speak of Hinduism , have any understanding of it they in reality mean by it. If they refer Hinduism to be a socio - cultural way and tall claims are being recounted of the greatness of India's past and its achievements , why isn't there a look back at those multitudes of outcasts treated as untouchables for thousands of years, the most heinous crime humanity can impose on humanity ? If the emergence of Islam or Christianity is treated to be breaking the social fabric, why don't we talk of all the persecutions bestowed upon each other in the name of various Gods of Hindu pantheon, example can be said of the struggle between the Shivites and Vishnavites of which there is enough of bloodied history on record. The evil of caste system which forms the integral psyche of an Indian. If a case is made of Hinduism as a religion,why doesn't the fringe groups which make a fuss of movies like OMG & PK , realize that the great modern day reviver of Aryan Ideology , Swami Dayanada Saraswati himself was against Idol Worship. Do they realize Adi Shankarachrya's Advaita speaks about finding God within self, not in blind ritual at some temple ? If Vedas are to be the cornerstone, should not Lord Indra be the most revered GOD ? because he is the supreme deity in the Vedas and of the Vedic people. Our Vedic ancestors do not even have a knowledge of the Supreme Hindu trinity of Brahma , Vishnu & Shiva , so where do these three come into picture , if they were not at the origin of Indian spiritual thought ? a product of much later manifestation of our thought.
One cannot just be cherry picking all the good things and showcase a grand image of something, That can never be a truer definition. To all the great upholders of your version of India and Hinduism, please define what you stand for first and then we can talk of integrating rest into your thought.
The beauty of India has been it diversity, the freedom and the broad minded character, let us not narrow it. The only way around is looking forward, grow correct , accept new thought, try correct the evils that existed and move on. Let the assimilation of thought, culture and faith continue as it has been for thousands of years.
History, especially modern history is replete with nations forming on ethnic lines . India in its attempt to free itself from the colonial rule also managed to gain an unified national identity , and due credit ought to go to those great leaders who so craftily managed to inculcate a nationalistic spirit but also ensured it was not a narrower one but envisioned a diverse nation true to what India has been all through its long history. It is so truly said the people of India are so much a mixed stock that it is very tough to trace back a single ethnic origin. Surprisingly enough India also happens to be the only culture where any common Indian of present age can so effortlessly connect and has an understanding of the Ancient India of yore. (Basham says, the same cannot be be said of other ancient civilizations eg. Egypt )
So, now the question arises as to what is it that enables the idea of India to be diverse and yet manages to find a singular connect to the past ? As Nehru, states in "Discovery of India", notices, India has been a culture of assimilation. Wave after wave of people have entered India, few finding a new home, few other purely to conquer but the bounty of character that this nation has that it was able to assimilate them. With this assimilating history spread across thousands of years that it does sound queer to zone out something of the present nation only to be Indian and something else as alien. It becomes a real tough task to pinpoint a time in History at which one identifies as to be a true representation of a period which defines as being Indian and anything after that to be alien. Even if we rule out Islam & Christianity ( Based on the attempted new definition ) as not being Indian, one is still left with quite a labyrinth to maneuver his way. If we talk about something originated on this side of Indus to be the standard, what do we say of the Aryans ? In spite of Sangh & Co fringe elements insistence of Aryans having Indian origin, enough evidences are found wherein the homeland of Aryans is said to be Central Eurasia. Why does not Buddhism & Jainism, two clear product of Indian thought does not seem to be part of the so called pseudo nationalist's renewed zeal. If the Geographical extent is based, Buddhist thought, for example seems to be more Indian than Aryan culture. Was Hinduism , that we talk of now, practiced by the people of Indus Valley Civilization ? in all probability it was not , since it was much prior to Vedic culture. So those who want us Indians to go back to origins , shouldn't they be looking at that period and might be the still unknown and not excavated ancient antiquity of people of this land.
Wonder those who speak of Hinduism , have any understanding of it they in reality mean by it. If they refer Hinduism to be a socio - cultural way and tall claims are being recounted of the greatness of India's past and its achievements , why isn't there a look back at those multitudes of outcasts treated as untouchables for thousands of years, the most heinous crime humanity can impose on humanity ? If the emergence of Islam or Christianity is treated to be breaking the social fabric, why don't we talk of all the persecutions bestowed upon each other in the name of various Gods of Hindu pantheon, example can be said of the struggle between the Shivites and Vishnavites of which there is enough of bloodied history on record. The evil of caste system which forms the integral psyche of an Indian. If a case is made of Hinduism as a religion,why doesn't the fringe groups which make a fuss of movies like OMG & PK , realize that the great modern day reviver of Aryan Ideology , Swami Dayanada Saraswati himself was against Idol Worship. Do they realize Adi Shankarachrya's Advaita speaks about finding God within self, not in blind ritual at some temple ? If Vedas are to be the cornerstone, should not Lord Indra be the most revered GOD ? because he is the supreme deity in the Vedas and of the Vedic people. Our Vedic ancestors do not even have a knowledge of the Supreme Hindu trinity of Brahma , Vishnu & Shiva , so where do these three come into picture , if they were not at the origin of Indian spiritual thought ? a product of much later manifestation of our thought.
One cannot just be cherry picking all the good things and showcase a grand image of something, That can never be a truer definition. To all the great upholders of your version of India and Hinduism, please define what you stand for first and then we can talk of integrating rest into your thought.
The beauty of India has been it diversity, the freedom and the broad minded character, let us not narrow it. The only way around is looking forward, grow correct , accept new thought, try correct the evils that existed and move on. Let the assimilation of thought, culture and faith continue as it has been for thousands of years.