Sunday, April 01, 2012


I never meant to hurt you,
Nor was i aware of it,
Your smile always concealed your pain,
I was a fool not to realise your emotional drain,
It makes me feel pathetic thinking of it,
That I stooped down so low
I was always assured by your eternal glean,
but it never struck me that i was not so clean,
Forgive me dear for what I did,
I should not have made your experience so torrid,
Would have set myself straight,
had I picked up on your trait,
I was blinded by something else,
It might be the magnanimity of being with you,
that out of world feel I always had with you around,
made me to loose my basic sense,
spoiling our companionship's essence,
But i would not give any excuse,
all i call for is a truce,
I am down with a real sense of guilt,
bottom down to the hilt,
Forgive me dear for what all I did,
For all the times I backslid,
I realise thinking of me makes you disgust,
what do i do to bring back the trust ?
I am on my knees, seeking forgiveness,
For every passing moment is making me feel restless,
It is only you that can pull me out of this misery,
and give me a chance to show my chivalry,
Your beaming countenance makes me survive,
allowing me to live and thrive,
Would do anything to bring back that lost cheer,
which is always an ever lasting souvenir,
One chance is all I want,
do consider this with your ever forgiving heart.
I hope to bring back those days,
enriched with trust and happy lit rays.