Saturday, October 09, 2010

What is the fuss about ??

Well, the buzz seems to have settled in regard to the autocracies involving the Commonwealth Games, the Opening ceremony and the ensuing four days have ensured a brighter picture of India hosting the games. This gives me some solace being an Indian.
I sit back and retrospect all the fuzz created in regard to the corruption, the mis management and the poor state of facilities. But in spite of a surprise and an item worth discussing it did not appear to me as such. The first thing what came to my mind is what's new ? the pictures being continuously shown on TV aren't much different from the scenes i see day in and day out while i commute around the city. I in fact go through the tougher ordeal of travelling on worse roads which nearly gives me a back ache after i complete my journey. The water gets logged on the roads making only half of the road being suitable for travel and no need to elaborate about the innumerable bumps which i encounter, and of course those trademark Pan stains on the walls across the footbridges and flyovers. So for a guy who goes through these day in and day out it isn't a surprising news when i sit back in the evening and watch the TV, as I already have a first hand experience of the same.
But what surprises me though is the media reaction to it and the reaction of the general public to all these. I agree that their is a fault at the administrative end in organising the games and appreciate the media role as well as the public interest and their claim of nation pride, i somewhere feel the need of the hour being something else. Is not it that apart from pointing out at some one about something being not organised properly, our responsibility also lies in having a reality check and see ow ell we mange ourselves in our daily lives. We go around littering the roads and public places and do not feel a iota of pinch for what we do. We travel day in and day out on those bumpy roads but never care to discuss or complain except cursing the authorities for the poor roads.
i would love the media to expose the bad state of infrastructure used by the Common public on a larger scale than what it does now. Debates on more meaning full issues directly impacting the lives of people and more special reports on the necessities of the people at large.
Wonder any body is hearing?? or as it many a times happens unless here is sensation involved media doesn't interest itself, and what sensation do you expect from the lives of a common man ??